Monday, October 10, 2011

This is a bit random but I needed the reminder.

Several months ago when I was questioning if God was speaking to me or guiding me, I received His message. I was in the drive through at McDonalds because we didn't have time to make breakfast at home. (McKenna was hungry) I barely had any money on me let alone spending what I did have for fast food. I pulled up to pay and the guy said, "it's your lucky day.". The person before you paid for your meal.". Of course I looked up, said thank you and held back the tears. I then gave the employee $1 and asked him to please put it towards the person behind me.
I had a hard time not crying in front of McKenna but it reminded me to never question or give up faith! How Amazing He is! I am so thankful to have a relationship with Christ. He always knows what we need and when we need it!

Have a blessed day.

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